Umbrella (or Extension) & Distance Learning Programs
CCHE does not endorse public school-at-home programs, or public alternative schools. The programs listed on this page are not government funded. Be sure to check out our Classes page also.
These programs vary, but most provide oversight, curriculum recommendations, record-keeping, transcripts, testing, diplomas, et cetera.
Academy Northwest
Local private school extension program for all grades. Teachers offer classes and individual consultation.
Baker, Kathleen (360) 931-8231 (also see Hope Learning Center)
Patterson, Carrie (360) 573-0857 (also see Salmon Creek Learning Center)
Sagert, Erika (360) 882-3877 (also see Hope Learning Center)
Christian Liberty Academy CLASS
Christian Light Education
Hewitt Homeschooling Senior high program only (Seventh Day Adventist)
Home Life Academy Offers umbrella options and distance learning options
The Moore Foundation (Seventh Day Adventist)
A Beka Academy
Alpha Omega Academy
Bob Jones
Freedom Project Academy
Home School Works 4U
The Potter's School
North Atlantic Regional High School (accredited in the state of Maine)
Family Academy (state-approved in Washington)