Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are the most rigorous high school courses available. Once a student completes an AP course, they can study to take an AP test. Some colleges award credit for AP exam scores of "3" or higher. Other colleges do not award credit, but allow a student to skip an introductory class. Still others don't accept them at all. AP courses can look great on a transcript and scholarship applications, particularly for a student who wants to attend a prestigious school. However, the demands of taking AP courses along with extracurricular activities can be very stressful, and the iffy nature of college credit can be a drawback.
HSLDA Online Academy AP Courses Scroll about two-thirds down the page to see the information
The Potter's School AP Courses Numerous courses offered
HSLDA Online Academy AP Courses Scroll about two-thirds down the page to see the information
The Potter's School AP Courses Numerous courses offered