HSLDA Group Discount
CCHE members are eligible for a $20 discount on annual membership to Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). Whether you wish to become a new HSLDA member or renew your existing membership with HSLDA, you qualify for the discount. Please contact CCHE for more information and to sign up.
MichaelsTeacher Discount of 15% off total order.
You must enroll to recieve discount.
Jo-AnnTeacher Discount of 15% for enrolled teachers.
Barnes & NobleBarnes & Noble no longer offers a specific Teacher Discount.
They have a rewards program and a membership program instead.
MichaelsTeacher Discount of 15% off total order.
You must enroll to recieve discount.
Jo-AnnTeacher Discount of 15% for enrolled teachers.
Barnes & NobleBarnes & Noble no longer offers a specific Teacher Discount.
They have a rewards program and a membership program instead.